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I am an author, artist, and aspiring coach. My solo book, Share a Smile: Thriving in Life and Treatment is an Amazon bestseller in eight categories! I am also a contributing author to the bestselling books, The Grateful Soul: The Art and Practice of Gratitude and Inspirations: 101 Uplifting Stories for Daily Happiness.
You can find all three on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Target. Also, you can read my short story, “The Huron Suite” in the July issue of the RAC Magazine.
My blog focuses on mental health support, personal development, gratitude, and more. I wrote and drew as a child. In my teen years, both became passions. When my mental health declined, I turned to these hobbies. Although I struggled, I challenged myself to remain positive. My favorite thing to hear is, “you inspired me.”
I opened up about my mental health on social media and was surprised to receive encouragement and gratitude. I prioritize self-care for my mental and physical well-being. I have a wonderful support system. My family, husband, best friends, and counselor play significant roles in it.
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